Chemo destroyed my gut flora – which controls histamines. Now I have constant hives all over my body in weird patterns that look like cat scratches and perfect circles. Insanely itchy and never-ending.
I truly recommend…
3rd Rock ITCHBlock™
ITCHBlock is the Best NATURAL Itch Relief Cream – apply directly on hives (or rashes, bug bites, dry skin, etc.) and you will feel immediate relief from this calming, soothing and not-greasy-at-all cream. And, best part? It’s natural! No endocrine disruptors, non-toxic (toxin free) and food-grade edible. But don’t eat it, mkay?
It is usually around $9 and although the tub is small, it lasts a long time. It’s the best ten bucks you will spend today, for sure.

Kevita Kombucha
An acupuncturist suggested that Kombucha might help with my histamine/hive problems. I had tried EVERYTHING. I was on two pharmaceutical prescriptions, an Antihistamine A-Blocker and an Antihistamine B-Blocker. Nothing was working. I figured, “why not?” and gave it a shot.
I got almost immediate relief from drinking one bottle a day. If I miss a few days – the hives creep right back in. Every time. There is no doubt in my mind that this quality kombucha has balanced my gut flora and ended the eternal hives. You have to try it.
A true digestive elixir that’s spicy, soothing and invigorating, KeVita Master Brew Kombucha is energizing with a bold brewed tea taste. Fermented with our proprietary kombucha tea culture, our Master Brew Kombucha has billions of live probiotics, active cultures, and is verified non-alcoholic.
Kombucha is not for everyone, and there are some really, really terrible tasting options out there.
Go buy this now! I cannot provide a link as it needs to stay refrigerated, so you can’t order it online. But you can visit the KeVita website here, and they have a tool to enter your zip code and they will show you the closest place to buy it. It is also pricey at about $3 per bottle, but that’s nothing compared to the prescriptions I was able to cancel once I started drinking this every day.
I have researched thoroughly and truly recommend any product that I suggest on this site. My goal with recommendations (and with the website) is to uncover what's in many of the products we use daily, discover alternatives that do not include the cheap toxic materials, but still work just as well or better. There are some affiliate links where I make a small portion of any sale I refer. If you have any questions, please ask. I'm happy to help when I can.