Setting the Baseline before I heal myself

Setting the Baseline before I heal myself

For my first 35 years I was generally healthy; I exercised and ate a strict vegetarian, often organic diet.

Age 36, I’m diagnosed with Stage 3B breast cancer. Scared for my life, I endure half a dozen surgeries, dose-dense and super aggressive chemo regimen, 45+ days of radiation, and medications prescribed for the rest of my life. But every moment of every day is filled with tremendous, torturous pain. I cannot leave the couch. I cannot cook. I cannot help my children with their homework. I am miserable.

After 5 years I quit the toxic and destructive  pharmaceutical route, and shift to a more con preventative diet: still vegetarian, now almost entirely organic, also making sure to get the most important cancer prevention foods every single day. I also remove all toxins and known carcinogens from my environment – like polyester and BPA plastics. I’ve stayed cancer-free, and better… started healing!

5 years to the week later, I am now jumping in even deeper. I am now fully vegan, fully organic, educating myself on mind-body techniques to bring even more healing to my body.

I feel like the best way to document this healing and transformation is to start with laying out the baseline – documenting all of the horrible side effects I have been experiencing.

Here’s the list of my side-effects, which I will continue to add to until it is complete. And then one by one, I plan to check them off the list as resolved. I am done with this sickness, it no longer serves me and I am ready to put it behind. 

Call for Vegan Recipes

Call for Vegan Recipes

So it is official. After 30+ years of being vegetarian, I am now on Day 2 of being vegan. I gave myself a day before I blurted out to the world because I was afraid I couldn’t do it. I didn’t want to put it out there and then pull it back. Day 2, I’m still afraid I cannot do it! BUT!

I do know now that I *can* do it for one day.

And, that’s all I have to do today. So… easy, right?

But like everything else, it takes the support of a village. So, I ask of you, for your vegan recipes. Not the super fluffy fancy hosting soiree’s kind of vegan recipes… the ones that are fairly easy to cook, easy to serve to family, and of course: delicious. Even just simple tidbit tips or flavor pairings .. or anything, really. The best ones will go in the resources section here on cancerzen, so others can benefit, too.

Comment below, on Instagram or Facebook, or email cancerzenlife@gmail.com.